An Introduction To Us
Hi there, thanks for visiting our shop!
We're Dan and Gabs from a little market town near Cambridge, UK. We've been running Green Pear Eco since 2019 after committing to a low-waste lifestyle for our planet.
At the age of 25 (the quarter life crisis age), we both decided a career break was in order and set off backpacking. Traveling did exactly what it was supposed to and opened our eyes to the rest of the world. We saw rural towns in Australia living plastic-free, we saw recycling schemes far superior to the UK's in New Zealand. There were examples all over the world of people being more eco-conscious.
For the last three months of our trip, we traveled around South East Asia. This is where we saw a stark contrast and were shocked into changing our habits. Single-use plastic from all over the world was washing up on once pristine beaches and was killing marine life. Even with locals hosting beach cleans, it wasn't enough to do battle with the amount of waste we, in the UK, discard every day.
Something had to change and set about how to accomplish it.
Arriving back to the UK was the start of our more sustainable lives. We set about researching plastic-free swaps for our every day. Of course, this sustainable lifestyle wasn't limited to plastic. We've reevaluated our diets, stopped buying clothes new, ditched fast-fashion, we walk more and shop at our local stores as much as possible instead of the supermarket.
We're by no means perfect, we are constantly trying to improve and learn more. Rome wasn't built in a day so we're not expecting ourselves or anyone else to become zero-waste and plastic-free overnight. But if we all do our bit, only positive change can happen.
While sourcing the day to day alternatives for ourselves, we realised that it wasn't as easy as it should be. The convenience we were used to when buying plastic products wasn't the same when buying plastic-free or sustainable items.
If two people who were shocked into change and really wanted to buy plastic-free straight away couldn't find these alternatives easily, why would people who weren't as passionate put the effort in?
So, what was better than two people going plastic-free? Helping everyone understand the importance of sustainability and go low-waste in their own lives. During the pandemic in 2020 we spent our wedding fund on a van and the mobile refill service was born. Now we bring the refills to you, to make it as low-maintenance as possible.
We're always open to feedback and conversation so feel free to get in touch! If there's any product you want to see on the website or any how-to videos etc. we'd especially love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading and getting on board.
Dan and Gab
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